Monday, September 26, 2011

Free Razor Plus Moneymaker at Shoprite

I went to Shoprite yesterday to pick up a few things & yes free razors was 2 of the items.
Shoprite has Schick Quatro Titanium Razors on sale 1/2 priced @ $4.49 each. & the first thing I want to tell you is, you already have a MM with the $5/1 Schick Quattro printable (NLA). As you can see on the receipt that the printable coupon was not deducted down to the sale price. It deducted at face value $5. Shoprite as most other stores does not give cash back, but that extra $.51 was added to the rest of my total.

Now here's the BEST part about my trip. I had a $2.00 off Schick e-coupon on my Shoprite loyalty card. Now here was my deal on ONE of my razors.

Schick Quatro Titanium Razor $4.49
-$5.00 Schick printable (NLA)
-$2.00 Schick e-coupon
= + $2.51 towards my other items

Shoprite/Cellfire e-coupons does not double, this e-coupon is good thru 12/31/11. So get this on your card before you head out to Shoprite!!!!!

I know, I know you want to know what exactly did I get for only $ I will post it later!!!!!!

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