Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Random Shoprite Trip Saved $43

This was a small random trip to Shoprite, I wanted to take advantage of a couple deals going on this week. And of course I also had catalinas that were expiring in a few days, also Shoprite has the best Nivea Lip deal with the new coupon for only $.49 after coupon.

This was my trip.....

(3) Cheez Its crackers @ $1.99 each
(4) Libby Vegetables @ $.80 each
(2) International Delight @ $1.66 each
(1) Tyson Chicken Strips @ $2.39 each
(8) Nivea Lip Balms @ $1.99 each
= $31.18
-(3)$1/1 Cheez It crackers printable coupon (coupons.com savings club members)
-(1)$1/4 Libby vegetables coupon, exp 10/31/12 (RP 08/26/12)
-(2)$.55/1 International Delight creamer printable coupon
-(1) $.75/1 Tyson Frozen Grilled & Ready coupon, exp 12/31/12 (SS 09/23/12R)
-(4)$3/2 Nivea Lip balm coupon, exp 11/4/12 (RP 10/21/12)
-$5.00 in catalinas
-$.10 reuseable bag
+ $.28 tax
= $7.03 OOP
saved $43.42

This wasn't one of my best or biggest trips and I also didn't have any catalinas purchases, but I still saved money & I still was able to bring my total down from $31 to $7. As you can see I did have catalinas to roll into this trip but I didn't purchase anything to roll catalinas out of my trip, but thats ok because that does happen from time to time when your catalinas run low or you may run out. Catalinas deals come & go so often, I'll rack up my catalinas!!!!!

my savings for the year for Shoprite is.........$3035.46 Wow!!!!!

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