I might of mentioned this but I am stocked pretty well and most of my trips lately has been small trips. Or trips like this trip today to Shoprite, I had a $6 catalina that was expiring today. I needed extra heavy cream for the alfredo that I made today and I definitely wanted to take advantage of the Reynolds deal. This is what I did....
(2) Hostess Donuts @ $2.50 each
(1) Shoprite heavy cream @ $2.49 each
(4) Reynolds 100% Recycled Foil @ $1.99 each
(1) Kashi Steam Meal @ $1.49 each
- (2) $.50/1 Hostess printable coupon(did not double-head cashier had to override, then doubled)
- (4) $1.50/1 Reynolds printable coupon-
exp 4/22/12
- (1) $1/1 Kashi Steam Meal printable coupon
- (1) $1/1 Kashi Steam Meal ecoupon
- $6 Catalina-
exp 4/22/12
+ $.08 tax
= $1.02 OOP
saved $24.78
Those Reynolds printable coupons were from last month, that I didn't use & I still have a few more from this month's Reynold's coupon I'm glad because those are no longer available. But if you do have the $1.50/1 printable coupon, you can get foil for a great stock up price.....
This is your deal...
(1) Reynold's 100% Recycled Foil @ $1.99 each
- $1.50/1 Reynolds printable coupon(NLA)
= $.49 each after coupon
Do you have any good deals or shopping trips to share??