Saturday, August 18, 2012
Quick Friday Shopping Trips, 98% Savings
I went out & made a few quick smalls trips but I scored some reall great deals, I went to 3 different stores & part of my shopping trip are some deals that I posted about. For that reason this breakdown will not be like my normal breakdowns.
Pathmark trip
(3) Clorox Bleach @ $1.67 each
(2) Birds Eye Viola @ $3.99 each
(2) Bumble bee Tuna @ $1.00 each
(2) Country Crock Sticks @ $1.50 each
-(2) $1.00/1 Clorox product printable coupon(this coupon came from an email)
-(2) $3.00/1 Birds Eye Viola product coupon(NLA)
-(1) $1/2 Bumble Bee coupon(Recyclebank)
-(2) $.60/1 Country Crock product coupon, (RP 7/29/12) coupon fully doubled
= $6.98 OOP
Shoprite trip
(8) Keebler Cookies @ $.99 each
See Keebler Deal Here
(3) Suave Deodorants @ $1.67 each
-$.75/1 Suave deodorant coupon (RP 7/29/12)
-$ .50/1 Suave deodorant printable coupon
-(2) $1.00 catalina
- $.10 reuseable bag
+ $.09 tax
= $3.42 OOP
got $5.00 Catalina (Keebler)
get $2.00 Catalina (Suave)
= Free + moneymaker after coupons and catalinas
Rite Aid trip
(6) Revlon Beauty tools
See Free Revlon Beauty Tool Deal Here
(2) Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Wipes @ $1.99 each
See Free Neutrogena Cleansing Wipes Deal here
-$5.00 UPR
= $1.91 OOP
got $4.00 UPR
submit $4.00 SCR(Revlon when you spend $10)
= free + $6 moneymaker after coupon UPR & SCR
Total trip Round-Up
Total OOP= $12.31
left with = $11.00($4.00 UPR & $5.00 CAT-Keeble, $2 CAT-Suave)
saved $71.38
$1.31 for EVERYTHING if you subtract my UPR & CATS
98% Savings!!!!!!
Happy Shopping!!!!!
Sunday Coupon Insert Preview
There will be up to 2 coupon inserts in this upcoming weekend's newspaper. Coupons inserts & value may be regional, so some areas may receive different coupons.
1 Smartsource
1 Redplum
note: some coupons are regional, so this should just be used as a guideline.....
Walgreens Glade Expression Moneymaker
this is your deal.....
(1) Glade Expression Starter Kit @ $2.99 each
get $1.00 Register reward
- $3/1 Glade Expression printable coupon(NLA)
= Free + $1.00 moneymaker after coupon & RR
Woohoo, I love these deals & definitely when its a moneymaker!!!!!
Friday, August 17, 2012
*HOT* Shoprite: Free Keebler Cookies
Woohoo there are some smokin hot deals going on this week. This one is a Keebler Freebie, yes all for FREE. This week Shoprite has Kelloggs products as a part of the spend $25 get $5.00 off schol supplies & this deal is based on shelf price.
Many varieties of Keebler cookies shelf price is $3.69 but the cookies are on sale for only $.99 each & this was the deal I did....
Note: you will need to get at least 2 different varieties
(8) Keebler Cookies {$3.69 reg price} @ $.99 each
={$29.52 reg price} $7.92
-(4) $.55/2 Keebler cookies coupon, exp 9/23/12 (RP 7/29/12)
= $3.92 after coupons
get $5.00 catalina for school supplies
= Free + $1.08 Moneymaker
I am going back to Shoprite tomorrow to pick up more, snacks was something that was running low in my stockpile........
There just so many great deals that but the only thing, they are popping up towards the end of the sales week!!!! I'll still take it:)
I know again in the picture there's something I didn't mention, I will post the Suave deal soon!!!
Rite Aid Revlon Tools Deal + Moneymaker
There's a great deal this week at Rite Aid on Revlon Beauty tools, they are on sale B1G1 50% off and you get $4 UPR when you spend $10. Also there's a SCR for Revlon Beauty Tools!!!!!
If you printed the $1/1 Revlon Beauty Tool printable coupon (they gave us this coupon because of the expired Revlon coupon that was in the newspaper) you can pick up some Revlon beauty tools for free.
Note: prices do vary by region, so make sure to check your stores prices
this is a deal you can try if you have 2 computers.....
(1) Revlon Expert Shapers @ $2.99
(1) Revlon Expert Shapers @ $1.49 (50% off)
(1) Revlon Slant Tweezer @ $2.99
(1) Revlon Slant Tweezer @ $1.49 (50% off)
(1) Revlon Emery Boards 10ct @ $1.69
(1) Revlon Emery Boards 10ct @ $.84 (50% off)
= $11.49
- (4) $1/1 Revlon Tools printable coupon
- (1) $2/1 Revlon Beauty Tool Rite Aid Video Value coupon
= $5.49
get $4.00 UPR
submit for $4.00 SCR
total = free + $2.51 moneymaker after stacked coupons, UPR & SCR
And even if you only have access to 1 computer, this would still be free + a $.51 MM
You may have noticed the Neutrogena, those were free----->click here for Free Neutrogena Wipes
New Kraft Catalina, At Shoprite & More
There is a new Kraft Catalina offer starting 8/19/12 thru 9/15/15 and you can save up to $10.00 on a future order, here are the purchase requirements....
buy (3-5) & get $2.00
buy (6-9) & get $5.00
buy (10) or more & get $10.00
on a future order with coupon
All items must be purchased in one shopping order. And this offer is is valid at Shoprite, Pathmark, Weis and Acme but we are still getting more store where this offer is valid!!!!
here are a list of participating products......
There are some deals that may turn this Kraft Foods Catalina offer into some double dips, lets hope we do see some double dips, those are awesome!!!!!!
Free Neutrogena Cleansing Wipes at Rite Aid
Here's a nice deal, Rite Aid sells the 7ct Neutrogena Makeup up Remover cleansing wipes for $1.99. There is a $2/1 Neutrogena face product coupon available for print. Use this awesome new coupon to pick up these for free......
$2/1 Neutrogena face product printable coupon
Here's your deal....
(1) Neutrogena Makeup Remover cleansing wipes 7ct @ $1.99 each
-$2/1 Neutrogena face product coupon
= Free after coupon
I picked up 2 of these today, have you found any deals lately?
Thanks for the deal Forthemommas
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Giant: Free Lender's Bagels Starting 8/19
Woohoo, the gas deals are back at Giant. And there are a few good gas deals to do this week, but this is a freebie. This great deal is one that doesn't require coupons(how about that:)!!!!!!
Starting 8/19 this is your deal.......
(4) Lenders Bagels @ $1.25 each
= $5.00
get $6.00 in gas rewards
Free after gas rewards
There's also a nice deal on Pampers wipes, I will post more Giant deals on Saturday!!!!!!!
Quick Shoprite Trip, $.38 Scotties!!!!!
I ran to Shoprite to pick up on some great deals that had this week, I wanted to do the Suave deal but they were out(their truck comes in tonight). In addition to the Suave deal, I heard of a great deal on Keebler Cookies today, so being as though their truck comes in tonight-I will be making another trip to Shoprite tomorrow.
note, this breakdown is not like my normal scenarios.
I paid only $5.52 OOP
(6) Scotties Tissues @ $.88 each (4-day price break, Wed-Sat)
(2) Aunt Jemima Waffles @ $.99 each (4-day price break, Wed-Sat)
(2) Dove Shampoo/Conditioner @ $2.99 each
= $13.24
- (3) $1/2 Scotties Tissue printable coupon
- (1) $1/2 Aunt Jemima product printable coupon
- (1) $3/2 Dove product coupon, exp 8/26/12 (RP 7/29/12)
- $1.00/1 Dove product Shoprite ecoupon
- $.10 reuseable bag
+ $.38 tax
= $5.52 OOP
saved $18.39
And when I look at the very bottom of my receipt from today, look at what I have saved at Shoprite...
Thats just great & all from using coupons, catalinas, sales & more!!!!!!
Reminder, Shoprite Family Rewards Expire Soon

Don't forget that Shoprite Family rewards expire soon, our current points will expire next Saturday August 25th, 2012. So remember if you haven't used your points, use them soon before you lose them yikes!!!!! I have to use mine but it looks like a great week at Shoprite next week....
For more info on Shoprite Family click here.
Recyclebank: Free 185 Points
There's a new Recyclebank series, its Recyclebank Eco Academy and in this first part of the series you can earn up to 185 points. If your are new to Recyclebank check here.
Recyclebank, Earn 185 points at Eco Academy Here
There are more parts to this series, I like these free points because Recyclbank has great rewards!!!!!
Walgreens: Glade Expression Moneymaker
Note: I am posting from work & I don't have the live links to the printable coupon but I think that all the $3 Glade coupons are NLA.
this is your deal.....
(1) Glade Expression Starter Kit @ $2.99 each
get $1.00 Register reward
- $3/1 Glade Expression printable coupon(NLA)
= Free + $1.00 moneymaker after coupon & RR
Woohoo, I love these deals & definitely when its a moneymaker!!!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Minute Maid Juice Box Coupon
Yayy, there's a new Minute maid coupon available to print. This coupon is $.75 off 1 Minute Maid Juice Box 10-pk and the great coupon is awesome especially if your store fully doubles...
print: $.75/1 Minute Maid Juice Box Coupon
Maybe we'll see a good sale for these, being as though it's back to school time!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
New Glade Coupon....
Glade room sprays are getting a new design, its a new sleek style spray. And since this a new design Glade has a new coupon. The $.50 off 3 Glade spray coupon would be great to use at a store that doubles coupon.
print, $.50/3 Glade Spray coupon
Some times these goes on sale for $1.00 at most supermakets & if your store doubles coupons, you could pay as low as $.67 per spray!!!!
Vocalpoint Members: $1.50/1 Kashi Bar Coupon
Vocalpoint Members, there's a new coupon available to print. The coupon is for $1.50 off any one Kashi Layered Granola Bars.
Vocalpoint is a division of P&G & they send great samples & high value coupons, in exchange they like you to voice your opinion on thier products. It's free to join & you can check here to become a member.
Vocalpoint, $1.50/1 Kashi Layered Granola Bars
Hope we see a good sale soon!!!!!
Recyclebank: Free 30 Points by Dove
Earn 30 Free Recyclebank points by Dove, you take a short quiz & earn your free 30 points. If you are new or unfamiliar with Recyclebank click here. It's free to join!!!!!
30 Free Recyclebank points by Dove
BOGO Free Pepsi Next Coupon
There's a new Pepsi coupon available for print, this coupon is for BOGO free 20oz Pepsi Next. This coupon says 'redeemable at participating 7-Eleven stores' on it but its a manufacturer coupon & you should be able to use it anywhere.....
print: BOGO Free Pepsi Next 20oz coupon
notice above I said 'should' because most stores that I go to will not take coupons with other store names on them, this is a YMMV situation....
Free Taylor Swift Fragrance Sample
This nice little freebie has become available again, this is a sample of Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck fragrance. I like getting these little freebies, they always come in handy!!!!
Free Sample: Taylor Swift's Fragrance Sample
Staples Coupon + A Back to School Deal......
Here's a new Staples Coupon that available for print. The $5 off $50 coupon is a nice coupon to have, especially since Staples have many great Back to School deals.
print: Staples Coupon
In addition to this coupon, for the last 2-3 weeks Staples have been running some awesome deals on Back to School items. Below is a list of Staples BTS deals for this week....
Zebra® Z-Grip retractable ballpoint $4.00
get $4.00 easy rebate (Limit 1 rebate)
free after rebate
Staples #2 Yellow Pencils 8pk $.25 each (limit 2)
HammerMill® 8.5" x 11" Copy Plus copy paper $6.99 each
get $5.99 easy rebate (limit 2 rebates)
$1.00 after rebate
Staples slider pencil case, assorted colors $.50 each (limit 2)
Staples dual-size pencil sharpener $.50 each (limit 2)
Lucky 2 oz. hand sanitizer - original 2pk $.50 each (limit 6)
Staples composition book, 100 sheets - black & white wide ruled $.10 each
with a $5 minimum purchase (limit 3)
HP Everyday 4" x 6" photo paper, gloss, 100/pack $9.99 each
get $8.99 easy rebate (limit 4 rebates)
$1.00 after easy rebate
Staples fat book, 5.5" x 4.25", 200 sheets $1.00 each
Writing pad, 5" x 8" - border $1.00 each
Here is a deal you can try using the Staples Coupon...
(2) Hammermill Copy Paper @ $6.99 each
(3) HP Everyday Photo paper @ $9.99 each
(3) Staples Composition book @ $.10 each
(2) Staples Slider pencil case @ $.50 each
(1) Zebra Z-Grip Retractable pens @ $4.00
(2) Staple Dual Pencil Sharperner @ $.50 each
= $50.25
-$5 Staples Coupon
= $45.25 OOP
submit for $42.95 in rebates
= $2.30 for all after coupon & rebates
I know thats more than enough photo paper, that $50 mark for the coupon is pretty high. The last 2 weeks the coupon was $5 off $30, there are many different deals you can do!!!!!!!
Click here for more Staples deals
Monday, August 13, 2012
My Target Trip, Only $.32cent per Item......
I saw the Target Unilever deal & also I noticed in the ad that Covergirl perfect point pen was on sale. But when I found a Target Catalina I dediced to put these 2 deals together.
This is what i did....
(4) Dove Hair Care products @ $2.99 each
(2) Covergirl Perfect point pen @ $4.49 each
= $20.94
- $3 off $20 Target Catalina (see pic below)
-(2) $3/2 Dove Hair Care products coupon, exp 8/26/12 (RP 7/29/12)
-(1) $3/2 Covergirl products coupon, exp 8/31/12 (P&G 7/29/12)
-(1) $2/2 Covergirl cosmetics coupon (Target Summer Beauty bag)
- $.19 balance from a previous gift card
+ $.16 tax
= $6.91 OOP
earn $5.00 gift card (Dove)
= $1.91 for all or $.32 each after coupons, catalina & gift card
And don't you know that after my transaction, another $3 off $20 Target Catalina printed. Below is a picture of the catalina...
Note: $.24cent Dove Hair Care deal click here
Perdue Fresh Chicken Coupons & More
Yayyy, we have a new FEW new Perdue coupons available to print. Now there are 2 different links on Facebook page, meaning you should be able to get 4 prints per computer-yes I said 4 prints. I LOVE LOVE that especially when its a coupon for meat!!!!!!!
print: $1/1 Perdue fresh Chicken or Turkey product coupon (enter weekly grillin giveaway)
print: $1/1 Perdue Fresh Chicken or Turkey product coupon (upload Grillin photo) & print 2 more!!!!!!
print: more Perdue coupons here
Did I tell you I love when we get coupons for meat?
Target Unilever Deal, Dove Hair Care for $.24....
This week Target have a buy 4 get $5 gift card deal on Unilever products, there are an assortment of different items to choose from. I point that out because Unilever coupons limit is 2 identical coupons in same shopping trip, so you should be able to do many different deals.
Even though its not pictured Dove Hair Care products are also included in the deal. This would be your Dove deal......
(4) Dove Hair Care products @ $2.99 each
= $11.96
-(2) $3/2 Dove Hair product coupon, exp 8/26/12 (RP 7/29/12)
= $5.96
earn $5.00 gift card
= $.96 for all or $.24cent each after coupons & gift card
Here is some of the other items available in this gift card deal.......
Select Vaseline Hand & body Lotion @ $5.49 each
Twin-pk Degree Deodorant @ $4.00 each
Dove Body Wash 16 or 18oz, 4pk Dove or 6pk Lever bar soap @ $4.49 each
750ct Q-tips @ $4.79 each
All Dove Shampoo, conditioner and stylers & selected Caress and St. Ives also included in offer.
Check the 7/29/12 Redplum for coupons to match up nice with this deal!!!!!!!!!
This blog is not in any way affiliated with or sponsored by Target.
Kraft Fresh Take Coupon
There's a new Kraft Fresh Take available to print, this coupon is coupon is $.50 off any one Kraft Fresh Take Cheese & breadcrumb mix. I have tried these & they are pretty good. Right now I'm not seeing a great sale, so I would hold onto this coupon.
print: $.50/1 Kraft Fresh Take coupon
I hope a good sale comes soon, I would like to get these again!!!!!!
Joy Cones Coupon: Free At Shoprite.....
Woohoo the Joy Cones coupon has reset & if you print this coupon, you can pick up Joy cones free At Shoprite. The last time this coupon was available, I picked up 2 boxes for the kids. They love having the cones & so do I:)
Shoprite sells the 12pk Joy Ice cream cup cones for $.99!!!!!!!
print: $.55/1 Joy Cones printable coupon use zip 33031 if needed
This was my deal......
(1) Joy Ice cream cup Cones @ $.99 each
- $.55/1 Joy Cones printable coupon
= Free after coupon
This is a great coupon, I was glad to see it had reset!!!!!
Thanks Livingrichwithcoupons
Sunday, August 12, 2012
New Redplum Coupons: Wisk, Sparkle & more
There are some new Redplum printable coupons available, some of these news coupons are looking good for some deals......
$1/1 Sparkle Paper Towels 6 roll or larger
$2/1 Wisk Laundry Detergent
$.55/1 Hefty Slider bags
$1/1 Maybelline New York Lip product
$1/1 Loreal Paris Eye Product
$1/1 Newman's Own Complete Skillet Meal
$.55/1 Hot Shot product
& much more
Have you found any good deals lately??
My Shoprite Trip, $5.39 for Everything-Saved 92%
I haven't been shopping at Shoprite like I normally do, because of being stocked up. I started to run low on pasta & also I had some really great Shoprite Super coupons that i wanted to use.
As you may notice I did not have any catalinas to roll into this trip but I found other ways to lower my out of pocket, like the $4 moneymaker for the Enfagrow & the free American Express Gift card.
note: my Shoprite is a regular double store-meaning all coupons are doubled to a max of $1.00(thats why I like to save my $.75 & $.85 coupons for Pathmark, Giant & Acme) but Shoprite has the best prices & I save more there.
So here was my trip....
(2) Brawny Towels @ $6.88 each
(1) Breyers Ice cream @ $2.50 each
(1) Tastykake @ $1.99 each
(1) Country Crock Spread @ $2.49 each
(1) Glade Expression starter kit @ $3.29 each
(2) Garnier Fructis Shamp/Cond @ $2.99 each
(1) pk of Boneless Chicken breast @ $5.83
(1) Enfagrow Toddler drink @ $5.99 each
(8) Barilla Pasta @ $.99 each
-$.89 Brawny Super coupon
-$1.00 Tastykake Super coupon
-$1.17 Boneless Chicken breast Super coupon
-$.51 Breyers Ice cream Super coupon
-(1)$.60/1 Country crock coupon, exp 8/26/12 (RP 7/29/12)
-(4)$1/2 Barilla pasta coupon, exp 8/19/12 (SS 6/24/12)
-(1)$.50/1 Breyers ice cream printable coupon
-(2)$1/1 Garnier Fructis Shampoo, conditioner or treatment printable coupon
-(1)$3/1 Glade Expression printable coupon(NLA)
-(2)$.55/1 Brawny product printable coupon
-(1)$5/1 Enfagrow Toddler drink coupon
-$.40/1 Country Crock Cellfire ecoupon
-$5/1 Enfagrow Toddler ecoupon
-$9.53 American express GC(won for sending in shopping trips)
-$1.13 tax
= $13.39 OOP
earned $8.00 in Catalinas($5.00 Brawny, $2.00 Garnier, $1.00 Glade)
saved $64.86
So it's like I paid only $5.39 for everything after coupons & catalinas!!!!!!!!
Great Deal on Olive Oil, I Paid Only $1.98 Each
There's a store here in Philadelphia that we have, named Food Basics. This is a nice little grocery store, though its not big like the big chained stores such as Shoprite.
Food Basic is great because they have low prices & they accept coupons. They sell Fillipio Berio Olive Oil & many times it goes on sale for $2.98 each.
This was my deal......
(1) Fillipio Berio Olive Oil @ $2.98 each
-$1/1 Fillipio Berio Olive Oil printable coupon(NLA)
= $1.98 each after coupon
And that is totally stock-up price.
For more info on Food Basics click here
Last Day for $.99 Wisk at Pathmark
Pathmark has Wisk Detergent on a 3-day sale for $2.99 & today is the last day of this awesome Wisk sale.
There is a $2/1 Wisk coupon in this weekends' Redplum insert & there's also a $2/1 printable Wisk coupon on
This is your deal
(1) Wisk Detergent @ $2.99 each
- $2/1 Wisk detergent coupon, 8/12 RP
= $.99 each after coupon
I think this sale is gonna have me go to Pathmark today!!!!!
$2.00 Nivea For Men Coupon
There's a new coupon available for print, this new $2 Nivea for Men coupon is good on any face care product or 2 shave gels. I love when we get these kinds of coupons because I use them to stock up for gifts for my husband & my dad, also I use these to give as gifts for my football fantasy league:)
print: $2/1 Nivea Face Care product or 2 Shave Gels printable coupon
There are more new coupons to come!!!!!!!
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