Extreme Couponing to me is not what is shown on TLC's Extreme couponing, it's not about clearing shelves or using unethical couponing practices. Rather it's using coupons in a ethical manner to save tons of money by stockpiling and shopping around sales to maximize my savings.
I have saved thousands of dollars, using coupons-combined with sales to build a stockpile to get the most savings. With organization, some time(not 35 hours a week) we can save anywhere from 50-87% on our grocery bill.
If you follow Lookin2Save, I will do my best to bring the lastest coupon matchups to help us save on our grocery bill. And the first lesson in L2S's 'Extreme couponing 101' is......
Gathering Coupons/Where to get coupons
This is the front line of getting coupons. The 'rule of thumb' is 1 paper per household member. If you have 4 members of your family, then your would purchase 4 newspapers, per week. Now my suggestion is to save even doing that. Instead of buying from a news stand or grocery store, get a subscription in which you can start by saving at least 50%. Also you can ask family members, co-workers or neighbors to give coupons that they do not use.
Printable Coupons
Printable coupons has become a huge part of coupons since the mid 90's and today there are just as popular as any coupon. You can print coupons at any of these sites...
Tear Pads
These are coupons that come from a little red machine, usually found near the product. These can be found in various places, so keep your eye out for these
This are normally found on the product. Be sure not to peel the coupon unless your are purchasing that product.
These have become more popular and more & more retailers are jumping on board. These are coupons that are electronically loaded onto your loyalty card. In some occasions, you may use a store ecoupon + manufacturer coupon on 1 item.
There is also a rebate site that I use,
SavingStar.com. SavingStar has ecoupons that you clip & the savings is added to your account, when your account reaches $5.00-you choose your payout. It's free to use & you just sign up & register at least one loyalty card & start saving.
Join SavingStar for free here
Mobile Coupons
This kind of coupon is becoming more popular as our technology keeps advancing. These coupons are sent to your mobile phone & there are apps like the
Shopkick App.
Also check out
Target Mobile Coupons here.
When we sign up for Free samples, many times they come with coupons. That's a great double dip Free product + savings= smiles:)
You can also find coupons inside product packaging, there's tons of coupons in magazines. Couponers #1 magazine is the
All You Magazine, this is an awesome magazine with great recipes, money saving tips, fashion tips & so many great coupons, the magazine pays for itself. This magazine is sold exclusively at Walmart or you can
click here for an All You subscription.
Be sure to check back later for the next addition to this Extreme couponing series...
note: My daughter designed that picture above for my FB cover page, she's so good at those things!!!