This Staples offer is available this week also.
Woohoo, it's the holiday time and you are like me and have smaller children then you know we need lots of batteries for the toys that Santa brings. Staples has a awesome deal this week, Duracell 16pk batteries are free after rewards.
Staples: Free Duracell Batteries after reward
Whats makes this deal even more better, is there was a $4/2 Duracell Batteries coupon in the paper 2 weeks ago and that coupon makes this a moneymaker!
Here's your deal if you have that coupon...
(2) Duracell Batteries 16pk @ $13.99 each
= $27.98
- $4/2 Duracell batteries coupon, exp 12/31/12
= $23.98 OOP
get $27.98 in rewards
freee + $4.00 moneymaker after coupon and rewards
If you don't have this coupon, here's your deal....
(2) Duracell Batteries 16pk @ $13.99 each
= $27.98 OOP
get $27.98 Staples rewards
Free after Staples rewards
I have to get to Staples this week, have you found any deals lately????